What have I been doin!?!

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Scarymommy has definitely changed since the Avalon show.... I even logged some time in with Morrissey at the Hollywood Bowl....
I am going to refocus scarymommy to my new interests of.. swap-bot and cycling.
Last June I started taking spin classes at our local studio... I met great people and had amazing self motivational revelations....I started riding my bike more outside to the market or gym...by the fall I had started to think about setting a goal.. It took awhile to set a goal.... the goal has to be something more substantial than just weight lose or pant size... still working on that..
All of this a lead to the purchase of my second Bianchi ... pics to post soon.. so here is where the blog will pick up... my adventures in road biking.

The next thing I am lovin hard on is swap-bot.... it's wonderfully fun and super easy... I am attracted to handmade craft aspect of it ..but.. I think you could swap just about anything you can think of there, within reason and shipping cost...

More to come

Ahhh, FINALLY a new post

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Well well... Again my new years resolution is to try to blog more....
Since the last post... I had the chance to see the Twilight Singers at  the House of Blues Hollywood.  They were So gReaT!  The opening band, Stars of Track and Field were fantastic too.
I, again, was my own party.
Here is a shot from the Avalon Show, That's me, shaken' it down for the boys!

Greg Dulli was at it again..... tearin' up LA with his band and entourage....
The Avalon is a GrEaT venue.. beautiful interior with plush VIP booths and many bars...Parking was a bit of a rip off but I'm no school girl...the sound system and lighting was great...BuT the best part was the bands!!  first off was Jeff Klein who has opened for TS before and he was lots of looped fun... Dulli came out to played drums on Kiss & Tell and beaned a chick in the front row with a drum stick when he was finished... next up was Afterhours, an Italian rock band, and I am NoT exagerating when I say ROCK .... they kicked ass in english and italian.... again Dulli came on to play guitar and sing in italian ...as if he could get any sexier...dullipolooza...
The house was packed when TS finally hit the stage... and it was smokin'.... ooohhhh that Bobby McIntyre was all sweat and glam..... on the final song he kicked out the drumset, hopped over the pile and planted one right on Greg!! ... some serious hot man on man action... ahhhh I love the rockshow...

The Urban Gardener

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I love to grow tomatos... every year I grow a small batch... some good... some not so good... gardening in SoCal can be very difficult.... the sun is relentless ... container gardening is a perfect solution... this year i went with an all cherry tomato crop.... 6 different heirloom varieties from a wonderful organic farm....naturalgardening.com.... the seedlings came fedex and ready to go into the pots and the topsy turvey planters....
Maygardenfull_1 Sungold Sunsugar Sweet100cherry Yellowpear
I prepared the containers the weekend before the babies came.... they are really beautiful and healthy .. stay tuned to see how they turn out....to read what each tomato is go here

I am so loViNg TiVo!

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TIVO allows me to watch Jon Stewart when EvEr I want!!!  I love this, because I hate to sit down and watch TV.... I need to always be moving around or sleeping... anyways... yesterday I was catching up on JS with his guest.... Denis Leary from Rescue Me.......at the end of the interview, Denis starts plugging a few of his favorite things ie: books, DVDs, and music.... it just so happens his favorite album right now is the new twilight singers cd Powder Burns.... if you havent gotten any music lately... get this...of course you can expect scarymommy to be at the June 21 Hollywood show at the Avalon .... cant say enough about the great music that Greg Dulli is producing.... yummy yummy...

Just a few thoughts....

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What is America's ObSesSioN with the Da Vinci Code.... I am so anti- and over that book/movie...I got it the first time 'round ... and thought it was an overhyped book ....BUT NoW !!! with the movie..it is everywhere you look...jesus, It's EnOugH already.... it wasnt that good, It was a summer read, not even a bookclub thing...there I said it, it's on the table like a dead fish..and by the way... TOm Hanks looks like a freak in the promos...

Vegas is calling....

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Jeepers! did you check out what's happening at Cruft Labs? 
I'm sure you have .... 'cause nobody links directly to me .....
NAB is here again, and one whole week without my lunch box...sigh... all I have is the dog... smelly dog... sigh... AND to add some bitter to my pain... NAB coincides with National Turn Off the TV week!!!.... R U KidDinG!?!......no it's true, just link through.....
Doesn't anybody read the Dooce!!  Cant they see the value in a little mindless time warp?!?
Yeah I know it's the cathode ray  nipple /brain sucker.... but how is one suppose to cook dinner without it?
ALSO< doesn't it sound a bit coincidental to anyone else?... largest tv convention vs a no tv viewing week?....Thousands of at home moms with no TV for a week....scary..... is it a conspiracy? ....maybe oliver stone needs to check it out... hmmmmm....
a scary screenplay perhaps?......

It's taken sometime to digest

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Wow.. so if you haven't heard I got quoted in New York Times!! All the news that fit to print. My Cruft box does a great job with the pictures.  It was regarding pet adoption and the CraZiNesS of finding Piper (link back to Welcome Home Piper), who by the way has been with us a whole year!
Anyways.. the residual fallout from the article is this wonderful message from my cousin James. (audio file coming soon) tee hee! 
Things with my Alzheimer grandmother are doing better but not.... she is now on Haldol, something they like to call a medical restraint drug... she is such a treasure of a person, I feel lucky that she is MY Popo.  She tells me stories of when she was young in China, how she rode horses, and bicycles.  She loved to just go out for the whole day walking.  She tells me of a time when visiting dignitaries from all over the world would come to dinner at her house to meet with my grandfather.  The servants would all wear white gloves and the tables would be covered in white linen tablecloths.  How in the summer they would all go up into the mountains where they had a pool and a lake.....BUT most of the time she ranting on about how everyone is stealing from her and that she is so poor...she doesnt like to be old and things are really scary for her.....

It's Over...


The 27th Annual Glendale Quilt Guild Show is over...whew... I am sooo very glad.  This year was a fun year and I do have to give myself big snaps for people management.  The show looked great and the vendors were tons of fun and drama.  When ever you have to coordinate over 200 hundred people and 45 booths, drama is always in the mix... ie: "Where's my tables?"  "uh oh the left bank of lights just went out" to "The Ladies Room is flooding" .... the quilts were lovely... and the crowd was great..
I've been to lots of quilt shows and each has a it's own appeal... my guilds show is the only all volunteer event in the bunch...
The problem of course with voluteers is that they are so volunteer.  Maybe they show for their work, maybe they dont.... so I spend lots of time trying to fill in the gaps.... the ladies were on their best behavior .... surprising because I have a saying that goes "It aint a quilt show if the chair doesnt cry" ....... and after this year, the saying still stands.... crying tears the size of October cabbage with relief that they survived the process....

Another SxSW ....

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As you have probably guessed... I am not going to SxSW, however vicariously I do get some benefit from the event.
Last night the Twilight Singers, fronted by Greg Dulli... love him, love him..... cant say enough about him....AND.... Drummer Bobby McIntyre were... oh so sweaty and rockin'.. sigh.. They played at this great little dive bar in Glendale CA, called the Scene... this was the set list, supposedly,of  what they'll play at SxSW next week, anyway.... as usual, only 20 tickets at the door, doors open at 8pm...  I get there at 7pm, number 6 in line, and start reading my book... I was suppose to go with a friend, but she canceled, so I went with the book, a reading light, and an umbrella.... it called for rain in LA.....so for a mere $15.00 cover I was in and picked a seat at the bar..... ordered a beer and read my book for FOUR hours.... band went on at 12:30, man they were killin' me with the wait... They rocked the first set! and did the obligatory encore... out by 1:45........ It was great and worth the wait... they did a bridge of Aerosmiths Dream On.... yummy!
I love the rock show at dive bars... just me & the band & 80 or so of our closest friends.... it's what I love most about being in LA.... the ability on ANY night of the week to see GREAT music at a multitude of small venues...

Recent Comments

  • L: I was just Googling around for Dulli info (a fetish read more
  • colleen: i wholeheartedly agree read more
  • Bill: Hi ! Your site is very interesting. Thank you. read more
  • groovymom: october cabbage??? where did that one come from? I swear read more
  • marie : I, too, am married to a techno-geek who blogs [see read more
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  • Anonymous: LOL i know the feeling. I have 3 little ones read more
  • mrs diggs: i thought the diggs coming to l.a. was earth shaking read more
  • The White Boy with the Black Cat: So good things come in 4's eh? Hang in there. read more
  • Demar: Move to a Red state babe - out in Cafilornia read more

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