Vegas is calling....

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Jeepers! did you check out what's happening at Cruft Labs? 
I'm sure you have .... 'cause nobody links directly to me .....
NAB is here again, and one whole week without my lunch box...sigh... all I have is the dog... smelly dog... sigh... AND to add some bitter to my pain... NAB coincides with National Turn Off the TV week!!!.... R U KidDinG!?! it's true, just link through.....
Doesn't anybody read the Dooce!!  Cant they see the value in a little mindless time warp?!?
Yeah I know it's the cathode ray  nipple /brain sucker.... but how is one suppose to cook dinner without it?
ALSO< doesn't it sound a bit coincidental to anyone else?... largest tv convention vs a no tv viewing week?....Thousands of at home moms with no TV for a week....scary..... is it a conspiracy? ....maybe oliver stone needs to check it out... hmmmmm....
a scary screenplay perhaps?......

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