July 2002 Archives

I survived. My Mikey turns

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I survived. My Mikey turns 35 today. We had little party last night, it was all good. The girls and I went to the beach on Friday. It was so wonderful. They had such a great time playing in the surf and sand. We flew Zoe's kite and helped a blind old bum get a milkshake. They girls and I went to the worlds worst, depressing McDonalds in the world. The McD's on the corner of Broadway and 2nd St in Santa Monica, CA. It is so sad because all the homeless people and tourists flock there and the mix is toxic. We ate outside after we encountered a bag lady cleaning up in the womens bathroom. While sitting at our table, a blind homeless man was feeling around the window trying to find the entrance, no one was helping him. He was so smelly and yucky. So I stepped up and help him, I lead him to the door. He asked me if I could help him place his order. I told him sorry I couldn't leave my two daughters alone. He understood and went in. A few minute later he came out and I asked him to sit with us. The girls looked a little leary so I excused us and said goodbye. He was telling me that he had gone in there and has enough money to buy a milkshake, but the people working there wont take his money and gave him a cup of water. I felt like so terrible for that man. He was so old and sick. SO I bought a large milkshake and took it out to him. The entire time I am wrestling with this I am having to explain EVERYTHING to my 6 and 4 year old girls. I told them that they cant just see a yucky stinky old man, that at one time he was someones little baby.

I survived. My Mikey turns

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I survived. My Mikey turns 35 today. We had little party last night, it was all good. The girls and I went to the beach on Friday. It was so wonderful. They had such a great time playing in the surf and sand. We flew Zoe's kite and helped a blind old bum get a milkshake. They girls and I went to the worlds worst, depressing McDonalds in the world. The McD's on the corner of Broadway and 2nd St in Santa Monica, CA. It is so sad because all the homeless people and tourists flock there and the mix is toxic. We ate outside after we encountered a bag lady cleaning up in the womens bathroom. While sitting at our table, a blind homeless man was feeling around the window trying to find the entrance, no one was helping him. He was so smelly and yucky. So I stepped up and help him, I lead him to the door. He asked me if I could help him place his order. I told him sorry I couldn't leave my two daughters alone. He understood and went in. A few minute later he came out and I asked him to sit with us. The girls looked a little leary so I excused us and said goodbye. He was telling me that he had gone in there and has enough money to buy a milkshake, but the people working there wont take his money and gave him a cup of water. I felt like so terrible for that man. He was so old and sick. SO I bought a large milkshake and took it out to him. The entire time I am wrestling with this I am having to explain EVERYTHING to my 6 and 4 year old girls. I told them that they cant just see a yucky stinky old man, that at one time he was someones little baby.

Some background. I am a

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Some background. I am a married woman with two small kids, ages 3 & 6. I never thought my life would turn out this way.
I am a corporate wife, living in suburbia Los Angeles. Not quite the soccer mom, but close.
Before I had kids, (BIHK) I pictured myself hanging out in the studio, doing the commercial photography hustle. Take European vacations with my husband. That kind of thing. Instead, I am up to my ears in McDonalds and Pokemon.
The modern mother is the most underpaid, least appreciated position in society. Ancient society had it right to worship the mother. It takes everything ounce of organization and self motivation to stay above the din of the house keeping. " I cannot ask me lower my standards, you must raise yours" said by me to my husband. Does the laundry ever really get done?

Some background. I am a

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Some background. I am a married woman with two small kids, ages 3 & 6. I never thought my life would turn out this way.
I am a corporate wife, living in suburbia Los Angeles. Not quite the soccer mom, but close.
Before I had kids, (BIHK) I pictured myself hanging out in the studio, doing the commercial photography hustle. Take European vacations with my husband. That kind of thing. Instead, I am up to my ears in McDonalds and Pokemon.
The modern mother is the most underpaid, least appreciated position in society. Ancient society had it right to worship the mother. It takes everything ounce of organization and self motivation to stay above the din of the house keeping. " I cannot ask me lower my standards, you must raise yours" said by me to my husband. Does the laundry ever really get done?

My rant on IKEA, ok,

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My rant on IKEA, ok, I know it's big world and something has to furnish it, however does it really all boil down to IKEA. I went to IKEA today with my 6 year old daughter Zoe. She loves to go because she gets to play in the ballroom. So we go there to kill some summertime. She is in kid heaven while I am in house heaven. I am forever questing for the perfect little shelf that will hid a countertops worth of stuff. I wander around looking at all the stuff realizing that IKEA falsely leads you to believe that you need this stuff. I cant stand it!!!! IKEA is the cotton candy of home furnishing. It looks great and has a sweet price, but that's all there is. It's a money machine. I have owned 3 IKEA dressers ranging from the cheapest, $60.00 to a $300.00 piece of particle board. All of them had short lives because IKEA is inherently disposable. Landfills will be filled with disposable diapers and IKEA crap.

My rant on IKEA, ok,

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My rant on IKEA, ok, I know it's big world and something has to furnish it, however does it really all boil down to IKEA. I went to IKEA today with my 6 year old daughter Zoe. She loves to go because she gets to play in the ballroom. So we go there to kill some summertime. She is in kid heaven while I am in house heaven. I am forever questing for the perfect little shelf that will hid a countertops worth of stuff. I wander around looking at all the stuff realizing that IKEA falsely leads you to believe that you need this stuff. I cant stand it!!!! IKEA is the cotton candy of home furnishing. It looks great and has a sweet price, but that's all there is. It's a money machine. I have owned 3 IKEA dressers ranging from the cheapest, $60.00 to a $300.00 piece of particle board. All of them had short lives because IKEA is inherently disposable. Landfills will be filled with disposable diapers and IKEA crap.

Well, this is my first

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Well, this is my first entry. My husband thought that this would be great fun for me. We shall see.

Well, this is my first

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Well, this is my first entry. My husband thought that this would be great fun for me. We shall see.

First Post - It lives...

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First Post - It lives...

First Post - It lives...

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First Post - It lives...

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This page is an archive of entries from July 2002 listed from newest to oldest.

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