The Slow dayz of Summer

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Back from Cincinnati and the Quilts for a Change Show. I had a great time and got to see the exhibit of Quilts from Gee's Bend at the beautiful CLeveland Museum of Art..
*Google Gee's Bend and read the incredible story of three generations of AMerican quilters.
I signed up for a class with Hollis Chantelain called the quilted lines as the 3rd design. It was better than expected and she showed me some great moves with the Bernina. I also had a painting class with my favorite teacher... Susan Shie. The class was fun and I had a great time working on my robots. I learned how to use an AirPen, and now am looking to acquire said pen.

All in all I had a wonderful time. Hung with some cool friends, ate my fill of skyline and got a haircut.
Cincinnati is a great little town. I love going back and part of me wishes I could really move back. Being with my family is stressfully fun, because my sister was behaving REALLY badly.
But could I survive the winters again? Thawing the car? Wool and corduroy? Ice... Snow...
...ehhh maybe not.
I have to say though, it's tough getting use to all the noise that is LA. Buses, cars, trains ..... helicopters. Da' noise !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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when you visit again, there wiil be only fun,a promise.

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