Mikey and I are celebrating our 10th Year!!!
WOW!! I cant believe it's been that long
or that short.....
First thing this morning I busted out the wedding album
...'Jenny looks so young!' = Zoe
..'mommy, your hair was so long!' = Mira
..."I cant believe that it was me under all that hairspray!!"...
.."Look how thin I was!!"... eeekkkk
The toll that child rearing has taken .... only ten years...
but looks like an entirely different lifetime ago.
Happy? Incredibly! and looking forward to romantic
A little ten year marriage rant/rave;
Being happily married is hard work
Trying to talk about money is still hard
Yeah, I go to bed mad sometimes
and that's ok
He still doesn't pick up he socks or water glasses
and that's not ok...but....whatever
It's all worth it for me, because I got
it bad for my box of cruft