The day the music died

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Boo Hoo!!!
WOXY has ended it's internet broadcast..
I am left music-less.
WHat am I gonna do!?!
It's a sad day indeed....
to lose an outlet for something that was truely
alternative and fresh...
...well it's just too much ...
I know that there are others out there
but none was as perfect as WOXY because
of the Cincinnati ties. For me, listening to the local
weather report gave me a sense of connection to
my friends and family back there.
A daily affirmation that home was still home.
I followed my favorite local bands from college
and every now and again get a reference to a
show or club I had gone to back in da day.
That feeling of, yes, I had a different life and
a soundtrack to prove it.

In the time it takes to make toast
I found Radio XY
and bought a CD of the last 7 days of
live broadcast from WOXY
in MP3 format, of course.
WHo loves ebay and community boards!?!

ANd we will all move on.

1 Comment

Sorry about your beloved WOXY. May I suggest Seattle has an *alternative* for you at You will love the full functionality of their web site. Check it out.

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