April 2004 Archives

The Importance of a Clean House


For the past 10 months I have been doing all the houseclean..
mop floors..scrub toilets... dust... that type of thing.
The problem was that I would do half the house at a time
so the house at any one moment needed to be cleaned...
I could never get ahead of the cleaning curve....
It was keeping me up at night...
"Should I mop the floors or clean the bathroom?"
It was always something.
TODAY, I had a cleaning lady come in....
and VIOLA! the house be all clean!!!
They even cleaned the kids room, unbelievable.
It shocking when I see the difference between my cleaning
and the cleaning job the pros do.
I might as well have been cleaning the house with a kleenex.

I use to have a cleaning crew that started great and progressively
got bad. Then, one day they just stopped coming.

As my best friend Jenny like to tell me
"If your 35 and not mopping your own floors, you better be paying someone to."

I did it...

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april_2004_013I bought a new digital camera....
....I just couldn't wait any longer....
I think it works pretty good
...check out the photo to see how it looks...
oh yeah the girly aint too bad either!

The Horror and the Irony

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Sooooo, kind of a frightening sight....
the two girlies came home on Friday with the
caution tape to slap across the box.
"It's national turn off the tv week Mommy!!!"
It's more like a national conspiracy
No TV, including DVD, videos and Tivo since 8 pm on Sunday.
It is a tough three hours before dinner but the girls
have been hanging tough. Today we almost broke down
to watch a dvd... in my room so the neighbors couldn't see...
but in the end we just couldn't break with the fast.

The irony of course is that Mikey is in Las Vegas for
the annual NAB convention..... National Association of Broadcasters
TV's, TV's, TV's everywhere and not a laptop to be found.
I dont think he would survive this week
"No TV !?! WHat the hell!?!"
Thank god for him it's not turn off the computer week

PS This imags was taken with my phone camera...
that's why it's so crappy... now if I had my digital camera...
it would be a whole different story.

The Twilight Singers

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dulliWhile we were back home for passover...
& 1 went to see the Twilight Singers
at the Southgate House....
I dont want to get into all the background of
the band... but I have been tracking their frontman
Greg Dulli, since back in da day
The show opened with the Wolverton Bros... and
they were the same as always, bugle-blown, record scrachin'
musical mayhem that you cant dance to.

On the flip side was the Twilight Singers and Greg Dulli...
soooo smooth... I averaged Greg was smoking 2.5 cigarettes per song..
His mom, sister, cousin and 400 of his best friend were in attendance...
The first set was mostly from Blackberry Belle and was .... smokin' hot...
his drummer was so tight... The second was an assortment from the first album
and black is the color of my true love's hair EP... his staging and banter was
Dean Martin'esque with some serious New Orlean Darkness.. he has perfected the
big man sexy beast personae...The encores were all Afghan Whigs and included John
Curtly the bassiest....
for me it was a moment of full circle, and it was great!!!
Met a couple of girls who were really cool and knew a friend of a friend...
I am soooo going to see them here in LA... as a matter of fact .... next Thusday is the
Spaceland show in Silverlake.... the Wednesday night show at the Troubador in West Hollyweird
is SOLD OUT.... right on!!!... I am curious about the cigarette average at a LA smokefree club....

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