The Importance of a Clean House


For the past 10 months I have been doing all the houseclean..
mop floors..scrub toilets... dust... that type of thing.
The problem was that I would do half the house at a time
so the house at any one moment needed to be cleaned...
I could never get ahead of the cleaning curve....
It was keeping me up at night...
"Should I mop the floors or clean the bathroom?"
It was always something.
TODAY, I had a cleaning lady come in....
and VIOLA! the house be all clean!!!
They even cleaned the kids room, unbelievable.
It shocking when I see the difference between my cleaning
and the cleaning job the pros do.
I might as well have been cleaning the house with a kleenex.

I use to have a cleaning crew that started great and progressively
got bad. Then, one day they just stopped coming.

As my best friend Jenny like to tell me
"If your 35 and not mopping your own floors, you better be paying someone to."


Paying someone to clean your home regularly is a small price to pay for an always-clean abode. And just like you say, they do the cleaning way better than we could.

Now if they could just work on the garage....

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