So I started a job on Tuesday to Indianapolis....
pack vehicles with fabric....
drive to Ohara airport (Chicago)....
setup for a quilt show.
It is so crazy... I miss my kids TERRIBLY!!
and the work is hard and chaotic...
Why oh why ?
well, sometimes I feel like a normal person
in that, I have a skill and get paid to use it.
What skill could I be talking about?
Why the skill of bullshit!
It just happens that i know a lot of bullshit
about fabric, quilts and large quilt shows.
I finished the guild show on Sunday....
It was probably one of the worst show I have
ever been part of.
Bickering and in fighting.
Even now that the show is over, they are still pointing the finger
and persecuting the innocent.
It's a volunteer show...
what the hell is the expectation?
They are lucky we could even pull it off.
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