September 2002 Archives

Is reading nextblog addicting or

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Is reading nextblog addicting or what!?! Sometimes it's soooooo good! I wannna be, however I'm not.
Zoe was mad at me last night and today, for reasons I can barely grasp, and in a fit of anger, drew a picture of me in RED marker on Hello Kitty paper. OMG!!!!! 8) !!!!! I will post it ASAP. I wanna get my bro' n' law to make it do something funky, he's responsible for the waving red penis.
I was reading my friend and must say ......i love her blog!
Her blog smells like fresh baked bread.......yummmmy.
If my blog had a smell, I think that it would be the smell of a Tandoori restaurant, in Singapore.
Mikey keeps telling me to update my blog more... he bugs.
I got more important things to multitask, Mira, my youngest, is really perfecting the 'driving the porcelain bus'.
Nothing is sadder than watching a little girl puke.

Is reading nextblog addicting or

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Is reading nextblog addicting or what!?! Sometimes it's soooooo good! I wannna be, however I'm not.
Zoe was mad at me last night and today, for reasons I can barely grasp, and in a fit of anger, drew a picture of me in RED marker on Hello Kitty paper. OMG!!!!! 8) !!!!! I will post it ASAP. I wanna get my bro' n' law to make it do something funky, he's responsible for the waving red penis.
I was reading my friend and must say ......i love her blog!
Her blog smells like fresh baked bread.......yummmmy.
If my blog had a smell, I think that it would be the smell of a Tandoori restaurant, in Singapore.
Mikey keeps telling me to update my blog more... he bugs.
I got more important things to multitask, Mira, my youngest, is really perfecting the 'driving the porcelain bus'.
Nothing is sadder than watching a little girl puke.

It appears the the great

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It appears the the great binaryblocks crisis is over, at least for my lovely wife.

I apologize profusely to her readers for any inconvience.

It appears the the great

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It appears the the great binaryblocks crisis is over, at least for my lovely wife.

I apologize profusely to her readers for any inconvience.

My Mikey is reading lots

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My Mikey is reading lots a books on blogging. I hope he starts experimenting with my site. Saw some great stuff on next blog. Must update dancing Penis.
I am mearly the content provider.
Zoe started 1st grade yesterday. It was so great to see her all lined up with all the rest of the kids. She seems so happy and social.
My friend, , started her daughter in public school yesterday, too.
Her issue, "I hate packing lunch!", my issue, "I hate hot lunch."
She: grew up poor and had to eat pack lunch everyday.
Me: grew up poor and had hot lunch assistance.
Mikeys solution, Zoe gets to pick what day she wants hot lunch and what day I get to pack her lunch.
Lucky me.

My Mikey is reading lots

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My Mikey is reading lots a books on blogging. I hope he starts experimenting with my site. Saw some great stuff on next blog. Must update dancing Penis.
I am mearly the content provider.
Zoe started 1st grade yesterday. It was so great to see her all lined up with all the rest of the kids. She seems so happy and social.
My friend, , started her daughter in public school yesterday, too.
Her issue, "I hate packing lunch!", my issue, "I hate hot lunch."
She: grew up poor and had to eat pack lunch everyday.
Me: grew up poor and had hot lunch assistance.
Mikeys solution, Zoe gets to pick what day she wants hot lunch and what day I get to pack her lunch.
Lucky me.

Labor Day, ahhhh the end

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Labor Day, ahhhh the end of summer.
For anyone not in the So Cal area, let me tell you it was a scorcher. Yesterday the temp reading from inside my car was 110. Today it only reached 103.
It's like living on the fuckin' sun.
The heat makes people crazy too. Urban legend has it that when it get like this it's Earthquake weather. Whatever.
I am glad school is starting. I miss having a definitive routine. I love having my schedule dictated to me by the public school system, AND to top off my complete selling out, Zoe started soccer last Friday.
I am such a poser. In my world, my kids would go to some Waldorf type school, supplemented with piano and ballet lessons. Here's the crazy part of it, if that was my life then I would be the Apex of soccer momhood.
Instead, my kids go to public school, and play soccer. And I try to keep myself tethered to my beliefs and still function in society.
I once said, "I will never be one of those Bourgeois women who think true happiness is when your child is feed, clean and asleep."
How wrong was I ....

Labor Day, ahhhh the end

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Labor Day, ahhhh the end of summer.
For anyone not in the So Cal area, let me tell you it was a scorcher. Yesterday the temp reading from inside my car was 110. Today it only reached 103.
It's like living on the fuckin' sun.
The heat makes people crazy too. Urban legend has it that when it get like this it's Earthquake weather. Whatever.
I am glad school is starting. I miss having a definitive routine. I love having my schedule dictated to me by the public school system, AND to top off my complete selling out, Zoe started soccer last Friday.
I am such a poser. In my world, my kids would go to some Waldorf type school, supplemented with piano and ballet lessons. Here's the crazy part of it, if that was my life then I would be the Apex of soccer momhood.
Instead, my kids go to public school, and play soccer. And I try to keep myself tethered to my beliefs and still function in society.
I once said, "I will never be one of those Bourgeois women who think true happiness is when your child is feed, clean and asleep."
How wrong was I ....

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This page is an archive of entries from September 2002 listed from newest to oldest.

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