Is reading nextblog addicting or what!?! Sometimes it's soooooo good! I wannna be, however I'm not.
Zoe was mad at me last night and today, for reasons I can barely grasp, and in a fit of anger, drew a picture of me in RED marker on Hello Kitty paper. OMG!!!!! 8) !!!!! I will post it ASAP. I wanna get my bro' n' law to make it do something funky, he's responsible for the waving red penis.
I was reading my friend and must say ......i love her blog!
Her blog smells like fresh baked bread.......yummmmy.
If my blog had a smell, I think that it would be the smell of a Tandoori restaurant, in Singapore.
Mikey keeps telling me to update my blog more... he bugs.
I got more important things to multitask, Mira, my youngest, is really perfecting the 'driving the porcelain bus'.
Nothing is sadder than watching a little girl puke.
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