It's been a solid week

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Week one with Piper....
well besides being the cutie pie, she is now P queen...
I am sure my water usage and paper towel consumption has increased ten fold
She has a definate opinion regarding the leash... she hates it...
she would rather snuggle down in her crate than to have leave the front door of the house
...anti social behavior? not.. i consider that a personality attribute...
We have been crate training her at night and I think it is going quite well....
the girls adore her.. Zoe loves to talk to her and pet her... Mira is the classic squealer and chase toy.. we all love her very much...
and a poke in the eye to the Pasadena Humane Society

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This page contains a single entry by published on April 28, 2005 9:35 AM.

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