Here I am at wild and wonderful Houston, TX. Would you believe that Laura Bush graces the hotel magazine cover..... fuckin' republicans. I am staying at the "Inn at the Ballpark", it is the most MANLY hotel I have ever stayed. Big knobs on all the doors.. leather chairs... baseball symbols everywhere... I have to jump to get out of the shower. I still love it though..... it is 2 parking lots away from the SHOW....... the show ... the show.. It is sooooo great .. I am having a wonderful time!!! Tonight is was the Quilting Arts cocktail party... yummy mushrooms and brownies, no not THOSE kinda mushrooms......I did do some serious female networking... "Hi My Name is.."
The show itself is incredible.. the quilts are beyond description, or rather my slim vocabulary..I cant say enough about the power of women and the art of home craft. If sewing interests you in anyway look into the quilting arts....
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