September 2004 Archives

rollin' dueces

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WOw.... I cant believe it's almost October..
geesh where has the time gone.
I got a new tattoo... it's beautiful.
posting pictures shortly.
Mikey has been invited to attend some kind of crazy
Digial Poo.. oh I mean, Digital Foo conference.
He is all a jammin' on about it. I am very excited for him.
(So excited that I think I need to get another tattoo, tee hee)

I am bidding on a skirt on ebay. I frickin' love ebay sometimes.
the thrill of the count down... ohhh I got to go check the status of my auction..
so far so good..

Anyways, things in the scary household are just about up to speed.
Soccer practice this evening for Mira, plus a play date with Caitlyn.
Zoe has lots of homework and practice on Friday evening.
Within all this madness is Brownies for both girls and a cookie drive that is
going to kill me, or at least my diet.
sigh. better get a tattoo for that too.

YeeeeeeHaaaa! I won my ebay auction....sweeeeet.

Oh Yeah, if you haven't heard by now...
WOXY is back on the web
lock it in and rip off the knob.

Scarymommy 40 year Retrospect


Ahhhhh, What a wonderful day it is..... the first Sunday of NFL
I have much love for the grid iron.
The girlies started school and everyone started soccer. Yesterday we were full throttle soccer games. Mikey ref'd in his yellow uniform, Mira in her Shamrock green , and Zoe in the yet to be named acid green team. I have a banner to make!
I also turned 40 this week...... I can hardly believe it...
My Mikey took me out for a movie and dinner. It was lot's of fun and star gwakking.
Her one tit was larger than Mikey's head!
It was wonderful all the way around.

We went out to dinner with friends on Saturday night. It was lot of Indian food, & Taj Mahl beer. We had a great time. While walking to the magazine stand, I got egg'd!!!! Can you believe it? Mikey tried to run the car down. What a guy!!!!! The car of laughing punks drove off. Cocksuckers. That kind of put a little damper on things but nothing a clean t and shorts couldn't fix. Had some after hours fun with the neighbors and went to bed happy.

The best thing about turning 40 is definately the perspective.
And a two drink maximum.

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