February 2004 Archives

I cant quite make the change

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Well its coming but not today.

I have been slaving over my new piece for
the up coming Glendale Quilt Show
a labor of love
i looked at it this morning.... and hated it
i dont want to work on it anymore now....
jeeez i hate this part of "the creative process"
self doubt..
It doesnt help that i am feeling fat and ugly
dont they have self esteem pills yet?
THAT would be way better than just
taking the normal freak out pills

I cant quite make the change

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Well its coming but not today.

I have been slaving over my new piece for
the up coming Glendale Quilt Show
a labor of love
i looked at it this morning.... and hated it
i dont want to work on it anymore now....
jeeez i hate this part of "the creative process"
self doubt..
It doesnt help that i am feeling fat and ugly
dont they have self esteem pills yet?
THAT would be way better than just
taking the normal freak out pills

Change is coming

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and I dont mean
"if I give you a 20, you will give me 2 back!?!"

My box of cruft wants me to use a different blog
and I think that it's time for an upgrade too.

I would like to have picture photo ability
and show the comparisen of taking picture with
my phone or digital camera
WHILE driving 80mph down the LA freeways.
so far.....
my phone rocks.

Change is coming

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and I dont mean
"if I give you a 20, you will give me 2 back!?!"

My box of cruft wants me to use a different blog
and I think that it's time for an upgrade too.

I would like to have picture photo ability
and show the comparisen of taking picture with
my phone or digital camera
WHILE driving 80mph down the LA freeways.
so far.....
my phone rocks.

Test Post

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This is a test post.

Had it been a real post, it would have been funny.

the weird small universe we blog in

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I have been reading This Boy Is Toast
since I started blogging
I just love him and his canadian antics
I also read ultramicroscopic
just love his sketches and his rantings on about his kids & wife
Anyways, recently TBIT posted a link to ultramicroscopic
the weird small universe we blog in

the weird small universe we blog in

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I have been reading This Boy Is Toast
since I started blogging
I just love him and his canadian antics
I also read ultramicroscopic
just love his sketches and his rantings on about his kids & wife
Anyways, recently TBIT posted a link to ultramicroscopic
the weird small universe we blog in

So it goes...

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Box of cruft was late this morning
clock malfunction......
Forgot to go to the cleaners
brain malfunction........

The weight of the daily news has worn
me down today....
sigh..... too much bad news..
.. dead girl in FL... bomb on Russian subway..
too much information...
WHen I look back to the quieter times
I realize that they were quite because I had no
internet and satillite hook ups...
these everyday horrors happened back then
but the news was delivered different...
black and white TV's, black and white newspapers

sadly I am better off knowing and living with
the terrible noise than sewing my ears shutting and
living with the fear of never knowing....

So it goes...

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Box of cruft was late this morning
clock malfunction......
Forgot to go to the cleaners
brain malfunction........

The weight of the daily news has worn
me down today....
sigh..... too much bad news..
.. dead girl in FL... bomb on Russian subway..
too much information...
WHen I look back to the quieter times
I realize that they were quite because I had no
internet and satillite hook ups...
these everyday horrors happened back then
but the news was delivered different...
black and white TV's, black and white newspapers

sadly I am better off knowing and living with
the terrible noise than sewing my ears shutting and
living with the fear of never knowing....

I hating being sick....

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I think I caught a little cold from partying
to hard at superbowl.....
I spent the day going through my desk
and reading my favorite blogs...
wasted way too much time reading lowbrow
In retrospect
I actually shed some tears laughing
he stands an 80% chance of me visiting his site on a daily basis

I hating being sick....

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I think I caught a little cold from partying
to hard at superbowl.....
I spent the day going through my desk
and reading my favorite blogs...
wasted way too much time reading lowbrow
In retrospect
I actually shed some tears laughing
he stands an 80% chance of me visiting his site on a daily basis

Did you see Janets Boob!?!


Crazy SUper bowl party!
Lot's of food and fun.
Kids everywhere, and tv's
Mickey made the meat abomination
It was a crowd pleaser...
me, well, I just dont have the stomach for
it... weird.
I made my famous ancient chinese secret dumplings

Throughout the football season, fans are won and lost
How does NFL fandom work?
The way I see it is....
First comes your hometown team....
Second is your division....
I didnt really care about who was playing the big game.
So who should you root for???
The one with the cutest qb?
The team with the better logo/colors?
you root for your conference.
Fandom = Loyalty
I wish LA would get a team
I have the best name for them
The LA Stars!
it's perfect.
An outdoor stadium with real turf and sushi
no frozen beer and some sort of meat byproduct
LA would be football in paradise.....

Did you see Janets Boob!?!


Crazy SUper bowl party!
Lot's of food and fun.
Kids everywhere, and tv's
Mickey made the meat abomination
It was a crowd pleaser...
me, well, I just dont have the stomach for
it... weird.
I made my famous ancient chinese secret dumplings

Throughout the football season, fans are won and lost
How does NFL fandom work?
The way I see it is....
First comes your hometown team....
Second is your division....
I didnt really care about who was playing the big game.
So who should you root for???
The one with the cutest qb?
The team with the better logo/colors?
you root for your conference.
Fandom = Loyalty
I wish LA would get a team
I have the best name for them
The LA Stars!
it's perfect.
An outdoor stadium with real turf and sushi
no frozen beer and some sort of meat byproduct
LA would be football in paradise.....

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from February 2004 listed from newest to oldest.

January 2004 is the previous archive.

March 2004 is the next archive.

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