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That's right, right here
right now
It's happening, slowly to everyone
i know.
My man, wants to pay someone to convert
our entire CD collection on a hard drive.
My best friend is on a mission from ipod
to rip every cd she owns
WHy!! What is the overwhelming NEED to hold
all this stuff in computer form?
Why would anyone buy a 4 oz piece of metal that holds
60 hours of music but only has 4 hours of battery life!?!
It's an obessession....
I just want to sell all of our CDs
except for Fear of a Black Planet
There is no need to horde music, it's always out there
Anyways, i like my music fresh
straight out the press, woxy style
ummm its still warm ummmmm

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Browsing around my blogroll, I see even my wife has updated. She mocks my current plans to rip our CD... Read More


everybody gives props to fear of a black planet...
watch out here we come... but it is still, YO, BUM RUSH THE SHOW, this is my top PUBLIC ENEMY LP!

and yes... i said LP!

Hi Scarymommy..I love your blog.. I have a 7 yr old boy and a 4 1/2 yr old girl (going on 14), I have a mother-in-law who's prime directive is to make my life miserable and a mom/stepdad that take up far to much emotional time!! Thanks for a good giggle!!

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