January 2004 Archives

Data Hogging Ver 2.0

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Day two of ripping CDs for my box of cruft....
I havent heard some of these for like 10 years!
....still doesnt make me want to digitally SAVE it
whatever... it makes him happy.
So it begins.....

Zoe had her first science fair project turned in today.
She and the DA' thought up a fun and sweet experiment
Does the bubble gum lose it's flavor on the bedpost over night?
it was a total father daughter moment.
I was in charge of the presentation, it...of course....kicked ASS!
I had my moment.
All in all a great family project. Mira got lots of bubblegum
and got to squish it around in a plastic baggie....

Data Hogging Ver 2.0

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Day two of ripping CDs for my box of cruft....
I havent heard some of these for like 10 years!
....still doesnt make me want to digitally SAVE it
whatever... it makes him happy.
So it begins.....

Zoe had her first science fair project turned in today.
She and the DA' thought up a fun and sweet experiment
Does the bubble gum lose it's flavor on the bedpost over night?
it was a total father daughter moment.
I was in charge of the presentation, it...of course....kicked ASS!
I had my moment.
All in all a great family project. Mira got lots of bubblegum
and got to squish it around in a plastic baggie....


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That's right, right here
right now
It's happening, slowly to everyone
i know.
My man, wants to pay someone to convert
our entire CD collection on a hard drive.
My best friend is on a mission from ipod
to rip every cd she owns
WHy!! What is the overwhelming NEED to hold
all this stuff in computer form?
Why would anyone buy a 4 oz piece of metal that holds
60 hours of music but only has 4 hours of battery life!?!
It's an obessession....
I just want to sell all of our CDs
except for Fear of a Black Planet
There is no need to horde music, it's always out there
Anyways, i like my music fresh
straight out the press, woxy style
ummm its still warm ummmmm


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That's right, right here
right now
It's happening, slowly to everyone
i know.
My man, wants to pay someone to convert
our entire CD collection on a hard drive.
My best friend is on a mission from ipod
to rip every cd she owns
WHy!! What is the overwhelming NEED to hold
all this stuff in computer form?
Why would anyone buy a 4 oz piece of metal that holds
60 hours of music but only has 4 hours of battery life!?!
It's an obessession....
I just want to sell all of our CDs
except for Fear of a Black Planet
There is no need to horde music, it's always out there
Anyways, i like my music fresh
straight out the press, woxy style
ummm its still warm ummmmm

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