December 2003 Archives

It's New Years Eve 2003

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Must blog.....
Havent been able to comfortably blog
for sometime now.... as you can tell from
the lack of entries,
Mikey and the kids & I went to a party
at a new friends house.... their house rocks
beautiful kitchen and space, pool, hot tub, but no
yard. They looked over the entire San Gabriel Valley
and at night..... it was a SEA of lights, incredible.

the new year is upon us and ....
there is no difference... no mircle or
horror...... and ya' know.... it's a good thing.
the comfort of familiar and the rhythm of everyday

"Mommy, it's time to go..I need to talk to my blankie"
Mira Lean at 9pm this evening, ahhhhh right on time

my resolution this year is to
1. win the $70 million jackpot lotto
2. if that fails...

try to be the bestest scariest mommy
i can be.

It's New Years Eve 2003

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Must blog.....
Havent been able to comfortably blog
for sometime now.... as you can tell from
the lack of entries,
Mikey and the kids & I went to a party
at a new friends house.... their house rocks
beautiful kitchen and space, pool, hot tub, but no
yard. They looked over the entire San Gabriel Valley
and at night..... it was a SEA of lights, incredible.

the new year is upon us and ....
there is no difference... no mircle or
horror...... and ya' know.... it's a good thing.
the comfort of familiar and the rhythm of everyday

"Mommy, it's time to go..I need to talk to my blankie"
Mira Lean at 9pm this evening, ahhhhh right on time

my resolution this year is to
1. win the $70 million jackpot lotto
2. if that fails...

try to be the bestest scariest mommy
i can be.

When is laundry ever done?

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Zoe was sick on Saturday night
she woke up with a belly ache
to put it nicely, it was a throughly
smelly and disgusting night.
As bad as that was, it had not prepared
me for the laundry aftermath.....
enough said.
The holidays are upon us.
I have done some serious decorating
Lights on the outside.... if I had a digital camera
I would show you some killer night pictures....
Anyways, got the tree up, washed the front windows
and hung the foil snowflakes.... it looks great!
I have been trying to dig out the girls room before
Christmas hits. I still have days of sorting and hauling
to go.... I wish I had my cleaning freak on.... maybe
tomorrow i'll find the mojo.

When is laundry ever done?

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Zoe was sick on Saturday night
she woke up with a belly ache
to put it nicely, it was a throughly
smelly and disgusting night.
As bad as that was, it had not prepared
me for the laundry aftermath.....
enough said.
The holidays are upon us.
I have done some serious decorating
Lights on the outside.... if I had a digital camera
I would show you some killer night pictures....
Anyways, got the tree up, washed the front windows
and hung the foil snowflakes.... it looks great!
I have been trying to dig out the girls room before
Christmas hits. I still have days of sorting and hauling
to go.... I wish I had my cleaning freak on.... maybe
tomorrow i'll find the mojo.

About this Archive

This page is an archive of entries from December 2003 listed from newest to oldest.

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