The Mommy Smack Down

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Me- "What the hell is all this noise!?!"
shouted at the girls room....
"Are you lookin' for the Mommy Smack Down!?!"
Littlest- "YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Big- "Boooooooooooo Hooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
Nooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! I want my _________!!!!!"
(like anything could save her at this point)
Me- "All this crying and carrying on is just makin' me crazy!!!
and it makin me bust out 'The Mommy Smack Down!!!"
Littlest- "Yeah! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaase!!! Smack Down!!!
Yeah!!! Giggle Giggle!Mommmmmmmmmmmmyyyy!!!

Exactly 16 minutes later.......................

Sound asleep with visions of
Mommy love dancing in their heads
Ain't nothin' finer than their pure love...
and that is definately what I suffer from...
Girl Intoxication!
fruit roll up smellin'....
orange cheesey fingered...
dirt filled shoes....
ummm little girls................

What is the Mommy Smack Down you ask?
It is a kin to the vulcan mind meld
but rather than go into their heads....
I go for their hearts...
kiss the eye lids... rub.. rub.. Momma loves you...
kiss the ears .... rub .. rub..whisper... whisper
.zz..kiss the forehead..zzzz...rub
zzz...rub.... Momma loves you...
turn down the light..zz
are they asleep?
you betcha.

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