They really did it...

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The Diggs really did it.....
They packed it up and went on an adventure.
I cant wait to read about all the craziness when Martin finally gets the truck.
I havent been blogging because of sick child and crazy ass quilt guild responsibilities.
I have also found some good time forums and low brow to suck on my brain for awhile.
Well, back to subject at hand. Here are some of my favorite sites in Kansas City.
The Kemper Museum
The Art Academy
General info about Kansas City & Region
I sure will miss my good friends, but I know that this could be
the adventure of a life time.
Not many people can gather up a family of 3 kids and move.
Sometimes I am jealous.
Change is good and best done first, thought about later.
If you think too much, you never get rolling.

1 Comment

it's quite apparent at this point in the game that there was some jumping without thinking with this move. i'm not regretting anything at this time except believing that the sale of the house would close when we were told. i'll just keep telling myself that missouri is nice this time of year. yup, that's what i'll tell myself.

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