What the hell happened to that scary mommy!?!

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Well, i'm now in movable type...
thanx to my Mikey and that James
Nutin' better than havin' your own IT guys.
Besides losing a couple of enties I think I got this thing down
I am going to try to post some pics too!
Damn, the suns gone behind the clouds
I am teaching a Brownie troop this friday the joys of solar printing
but I cant get the demos done because of the clouds
I have to motivate my ass to clean my house
it is filthy beyond belief
I have Totoros under my dresser and a hairball the size of a mouse
living in the bathroom corner
...must motivate...

1 Comment

' l ' :
I can't believe you let your house get so dirt!!!!! Bad! Bad! Bad! I am very suprised.
You will burn a lot of calories. Love you,Mom

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