My days have been filled

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My days have been filled with Quark 5.0.
When I was a kid, i use to copy fonts out of the typography books from Letraset.
I was an ad agency brat.
I could properly flop and tissue a presentation board, like nobody.
I was using an exacto knife before I was 9.
Some kids had markers,
we had 200 dual tip Pantone markers... i love the smell of those markers.
Anyways, i love Quark, it's so 'fontalicious'.......
I am knee deep in a 21 page book,for the GQG,
it's awesome working with Quark, but it sooooooo tedious.
a little leading here..... some kerning there.......
different font sizes in the story....... noooo problem
What do you mean it's been four hours since I moved!?!
I only got one page of text done !?!

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