ewwwwwwww yummy!!!!!!!!!!! some fresh flash....

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ewwwwwwww yummy!!!!!!!!!!! some fresh flash....
hot out of the oven, dont burn your gray matter
this one is so good, so watch them slowly...
savor tasty imagination.
My girls are in the shower together... silly soaping!
You could dream sick thoughts but why... all I think about is they are wasting soap and water.
Dont Splash!!! Mommy!!!! Zoe is ___________ meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It rained today in LA.
That's right ..... water fell out of the sky on to the ground.
The girls were all about the coat-hoods, boots and umbrellas.
It's amazing the way that two small girls can turn a miserable day of dodging bald tires into an
adventure in rainwear.

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