May 2006 Archives

The Urban Gardener

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I love to grow tomatos... every year I grow a small batch... some good... some not so good... gardening in SoCal can be very difficult.... the sun is relentless ... container gardening is a perfect solution... this year i went with an all cherry tomato crop.... 6 different heirloom varieties from a wonderful organic the seedlings came fedex and ready to go into the pots and the topsy turvey planters....
Maygardenfull_1 Sungold Sunsugar Sweet100cherry Yellowpear
I prepared the containers the weekend before the babies came.... they are really beautiful and healthy .. stay tuned to see how they turn read what each tomato is go here

I am so loViNg TiVo!

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TIVO allows me to watch Jon Stewart when EvEr I want!!!  I love this, because I hate to sit down and watch TV.... I need to always be moving around or sleeping... anyways... yesterday I was catching up on JS with his guest.... Denis Leary from Rescue the end of the interview, Denis starts plugging a few of his favorite things ie: books, DVDs, and music.... it just so happens his favorite album right now is the new twilight singers cd Powder Burns.... if you havent gotten any music lately... get this...of course you can expect scarymommy to be at the June 21 Hollywood show at the Avalon .... cant say enough about the great music that Greg Dulli is producing.... yummy yummy...

Just a few thoughts....

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What is America's ObSesSioN with the Da Vinci Code.... I am so anti- and over that book/movie...I got it the first time 'round ... and thought it was an overhyped book ....BUT NoW !!! with the is everywhere you look...jesus, It's EnOugH already.... it wasnt that good, It was a summer read, not even a bookclub thing...there I said it, it's on the table like a dead fish..and by the way... TOm Hanks looks like a freak in the promos...

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