June 2004 Archives

So I'm sitting there... on the couch
right in front of the board president,
and all I could do was sketch crazy robots

She kept giving me stinkeye..like..
'Are you paying attention?'

doest it look like i'm paying attention?
I got other things to think about other than the budget.

This is the pain I feel sitting through a board meeting

Drunk TV last call

Cincinnati Blog

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I love Quentin Tarantino

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If you havent seen Kill Bill Vol. 2

Uma gets her face slapped around and still
looks great....I dont want to spoil the movie

That woman deserves her revenge

scarymommy gives it two thumbs way up!

The May Festival in June!

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Today the girls had their annual
Spring dance, Zoe did the Hora, a traditional
Jewish dance, and Mira did the Huki Lua, a Hawaiian Hula.
They were INCREDIBLY CuTe <3, <3

The Purple trees have shed their flowers
but here are some of the pics of the
street. They are a real mess, lucky that
its been so freakin' hot that they just dry up
on the sidewalk and blow away...

The excitement of the end of the school year
is palatable.... the girls are getting that lazy
no homework... summertime attitude..
I cant help but get caught up in it.....
...I feel all happy and looking forward to
lazy days and sleeping in....

wait.. I dont get to sleep in because the
girls get up at 6:30 am regardless..
and I still have to cook and clean !?!

What kinda summer vacation is ThaT!?!
Oh yeah... the mommy kind..

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This page is an archive of entries from June 2004 listed from newest to oldest.

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